This is a four-player map available for unranked matches. The ongoing conflict between the forces of GDI, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin have taken a tremendous toll on the world, as evidenced by countless ruined husks of cities.
Nod Avatar's flamethrower upgrade now correctly shows a garrison-clearing effect.Fixed an error that caused computer-controlled players with the 'Turtle' personality to not build base defenses as expected.Fixed an error that allowed players to detect enemy structures through the shroud by using the Set Rally Point marker.Fixed an error that caused upgraded Power Plants and Reactors to continue providing power for several seconds after being destroyed.Fixed an error that caused some infantry units to continue approaching their targets while firing, rather than firing while standing at their maximum range.Previously they continued providing Ground Control for several seconds while their husks remained onscreen. Structures now lose Ground Control radius as soon as they are destroyed.Fixed an error that sometimes caused players to unexpectedly type-select multiple unit types at once due to an interface lag when rapidly switching between unit types during online play.